21 August 2024


I value the freedom to make my own choices for my life, so I'm voting for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz because they will protect, restore, & expand my rights instead of stripping more away. 

Let's do all we can to get them elected!



Make sure you, your friends, and family are registered to vote and have a plan to vote early, by mail, or in person on November 5, 2024:


04 April 2024

XIX, diciannove, 19, dix-neuf, nineteen!

Happy 19th blogiversary, TTaT!

Looking back through 19 years of writing, drawing, and photography, I've chosen one post (or occasionally two) from each year from my Best of TTaT list (you can also find it in the header under Highlights).

So... of 2862 published posts (including this one), these are currently my favorites:

Nineteen years of Taller Than Average Tales, ultra-condensed

One Year Ago

Tacos and the bear

Formalwear Claire

To Be King Again

20 self portraits from 1996, day 2 and Haiku: Irony

Gettin' My Groove On... (vol. xv) and Light It Up, vol. 1

Biggest Bear Yet

Temporal Transportation

Fleeting Diner Love

Evening Stride

Best Part of Winter

Sheep in Disguise

Snow Falling and On Voicelessness

Spring Sightings and In the Category of Odd


Something big and black


Captain America

Note to Self, vol. XXXII

2024 (so far):
He Exists

Thanks to everyone who has read and commented over the years!

10 years ago on TTaTNove!

30 March 2024

He Exists

 While waiting for an appointment, I heard a man check in.

He said his name and then spelled it.


20 March 2024

Today's Sighting

The curtains were closed across from me at dinner to help keep the heat in. Towards the end of dinner, I looked through to the living room where the curtains to the sliding glass doors were still open. 

"Wow, that's a lot," I said upon seeing everything covered with snow outside. There had been none when I started eating. 

Just an inch plus so far really but enough to fully coat the ground and line the tree branches with more still falling.

01 January 2024

A Theme for 2024

It's been several years since I chose a word or theme to guide me during the year, but over a week ago a word just came to me.

It was very early Christmas Eve technically, between 4 and 5 AM, still a whole day away from Santa making his run. Waking up after a few hours sleep is alas typical for me and often without cause. I'll get up a for a while, pee, do some low key stretches, and then try to go back to sleep.

In bed a second time, my mind wandered and settled on a word, a theme for 2024. I hadn't even been considering choosing one so I'm not sure what triggered it. Nonetheless I liked it and have already been keeping it in mind.


Mainly I was thinking of changing up my workouts some if only in small ways for now. Add this, delete that. Do things a little differently.

We'll see where it takes me.

Do you have a theme or motto for 2024? If so, feel free to share it in the comments.


10 years ago on TTaTLife of Art 2013: the year in review

25 December 2023

A Redeeming Win In The Little Drummer Boy Challenge

Merry Christmas if you celebrate! 

I'm pleased to report that I won this year despite a long haul from Thanksgiving to Christmas Eve this year.

I've been playing The Little Drummer Boy Challenge since 2011. 

The rules from the site:

It’s very easy: So long as you don’t hear “The Little Drummer Boy,” you’re a contender. As soon as you hear it on the radio, on TV, in a store, wherever, you’re out. 

The game begins the day after Thanksgiving (Black Friday) at 12:01 am and continues until midnight, Dec. 23. If you haven’t been puh-rum-pum-pum-pummed, you win. For this year, anyway.

Last year I was out almost instantly on Black Friday as I watched a West Wing marathon, so it was rewarding to redeem myself this year with a win.

In 13 years of playing, I've now won 9 times.

Happy holidays, y'all!


10 years ago on TTaTPower Questions: Build Relationships, Win New Business, and Influence Others (Wow, I don't recall this book at all.)