My rating: 4 of 5 stars
What a great read. I knew she'd been homeschooled but had not envisioned how off the wall that experience was for her.
Then there was a great deal I related to, including double-majoring (one of mine was math too!), rampant perfectionism, and more. (Rest easy, Felicia. I got a stray B or two in college, and it did not abate my pursuit of perfection. *sigh*)
There's behind the scenes of her acting career, making The Guild, and then Geek & Sundry. For any writer or creative who's struggled with the blank page, self-doubt, Impostor Syndrome, this book is for you. She shares her vulnerability through that process.
And that period of time she was honestly addicted to World of Warcraft.
There's humor and deeper truths.
Depression, anxiety, and inspiration and encouragement.
Thank you, Felicia Day, for sharing so much of yourself in your book. I thoroughly enjoyed it and wish you all the best.
ETA: I forgot to mention that her book provides a great snapshot of the evolution of the internet over the past ~20 years. I can imagine students in the future using it as a first person account of how it was.
TEN years ago on TTaT: Scenes from the afternoon
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