26 November 2005

No good for me, but...

I know at least a couple folks who happen by are in the DC area, so I thought I'd mention this blogger gathering next week in case you hadn't seen it. If you go, by all means post about it so I can enjoy it vicariously.


  1. Claire, I'd go, but I'm not cool enough for that crowd! They're a little too hip and too young for the likes of me. As far as I can reckon, there are two blogger groups that gather in the DC area - the cool kids and the quiet folk. I've been to one of the quiet folk gatherings, and that was really neat, as I met Always Write and Post Secret. I think I'd be hiding under the table around the hipsters! :-)

  2. I didn't check out their blogroll, so that hadn't even occurred to me. I can understand your hesitation though. I'm sure it'll be their loss.

  3. Most probably, they wouldn't notice me - for a profoundly large woman, I'm very good at turning chameleon and fading into the scenery. :-)

    But I'll definitely be back for the next quite gathering at Pharaoh's. Dang nice people.
