19 August 2009

Mind kinda blown

Via twitter, I discovered that a friend of mine knows a blogger I've been reading for a couple of years now. I'm not sure where I first came across Cheryl, no doubt in comments or a blogroll somewhere, but I know it wasn't through anyone I knew.

Six degrees of separation--that's easy. But ONE?! OK, having lived in LA myself years ago improves the odds in this case, but still... one degree of separation between a blogger I came across essentially randomly and me. The interwebs seem very small now. Right on!


  1. And I hung out with her Tuesday night. Totally wonderful woman, she is. And I am reading her new book right now (engrossing!).

  2. I love stories like this! The world is a small space that's full of opportunity!

  3. Sizz: I got a copy on Monday. As soon as I finish The African Queen, it's next up!

    kilax: Yeah, sometimes that sinks in more than others.

  4. Of all the posts to miss! That's what I get for going out of town.

  5. I figured your reading might've taken a hiatus while you were traveling...
