04 July 2007

Let The Pictures Do The Talking: A Road Trip, iv

Happy 4th, everyone! Photos from my other day in DC seemed fitting today.

(Parts i, ii, iii)

I actually typed out my journal entries this time around, but blogger freaked out (I think from all the photos or the spell check) and ditched all my typing and half my photos just as I was about to post. Don't have it in me to retype, so enjoy the photos.

National Gallery of ArtClaire fountainbuilding columnslow angle buildingCapitolClaire in shark jaws scaffolds

Male sculpture by Reagan buildingWhitehouseFBI building with tv poleFBI buildingMonuments
Two years ago at TTaT: Something I love, tip of the week- fuel price finder
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  1. Damn Claire! I wish I woulda known you were coming down. Yeah the museums are a lot of fun, aren't they?

  2. Not to worry, John, I'm just recounting an old trip here. I haven't been in that neck of the woods for several years.

  3. And yeah, the museums do rock.
