21 February 2012

My kind of dream

When I was getting dressed this morning, a dream fragment came vividly back to mind.

I was in some sort of open office setting. I was at my desk but there were other people around working as well.

An old woman, perfectly coiffed and impeccably dressed in a grey skirt suit, accessorized with pearls, approached. Probably an actress I plucked from my memory. Charlotte's first husband's mother from Sex and the City comes to mind as does Frances Sternhagen (Brenda's mom on The Closer) although not with her voice. In any case, I sensed she was the owner of the business where I was working.

In a smooth, deep voice (Kathleen Turner's?), she asked, "What are you trying to convey to other people with your attire?"

Wearing my usual cargo pants, t-shirt and long sleeve t-shirt over it, I knew what she was getting at, but I was unfazed. I matter-of-factly answered, "Nothing. I don't care what anyone thinks."

Sometimes it's refreshing when you just don't care. I had no concern about losing my job or anxiety towards the group of workers now standing with my boss around me. I didn't even fear that she was going to inflict a dress code on me. It was a stress-free moment of truth, and because it was, my coworkers were nonplussed and the old woman was speechless.

Two years ago on TTaT: Sketchbook, page 4 <-Ooh, this is a good one.


  1. I always do the bare minimum with the dress code at work.

    Today I wore yoga pants to school because a)I forgot about the laundry and b) they were comfortable.

    It's great not to care what people think about trivial things like dress and such.

  2. Ooh, take that, Kathleen Turner! Dream-you is a badass.

  3. I know, right? Dream-me was pretty awesome. With the office/work setting, I would've expected some variety of anxiety dream.
