Every week, I work towards creating a life of art for myself. This is the zigzag filled journey.
Play along in the comments with your own pursuits if you'd like. (That's where I'll cheer you on.) *******
This week, I
Shot 55 photographs: bee balm, bela lugosi, hostas, creek, daylilies, lake.
Zig: Made iPod Touch vertical and horizontal case templates and 34 iPod Touch cases from my previous designs and photographs:

Check out the complete collection of iPod Touch cases!
Zag: Remade all Case templates with black backgrounds and so they should show up in store in the order I want when using Quick Create: iPod Touch, iPhone 4, iPhone 3, iPad. We'll see if it works. Deleted old templates.
My Adobe Passageway postcard got picked for Featured Card of the Week, woo!
Got a nice comment on my On the Golden Gate Bridge poster, featured on Shirley Hirst's Outstanding Zazzle Photographers Showcase lens.
Zblogged and Rocklawn Arts blogged about new iPod Touch cases.
Added zblog to zazzle store profiles. Moved twitter down to appropriate spot. Used Rocklawn Arts account for both. Added My latest creations and my latest sales to my Rocklawn Arts profile.
Made Epimedium Flowers iPhone cases with dark pink BGs.
Changed Rocklawn Arts twitter background to River Mountain Scenes which matches ClaireofRA BG. Better than having generic yo. Tracked image down via view source on CoRA twitter. Rah!
Rearranged store. Put b&w's all up front. Changed top picks to iPod touch cases.
Changed Rocklawn Arts sidebar in TTaT to say 'photography & design' instead of 'cool, unusual photography.'
Tweeted and blogged stamp sale.
Changed "top picks" to items on sale various days.
Tweeted a variety of sales and products.
Added and subtracted some photos from store contenders. Narrowed moss shots from 8 to 4. Took out some daylily shots and added earlier ones I hadn't. Deleted some golf course pics.
Submitted store links to 5 lenses.
Updated related designs of early rainbow products to include Rainbow Planets instead of photograph product in file. Changed most for Rainbow Stripes but proved to be real pain, so leaving others.
How are your pursuits going?
A year ago on TTaT: Sunlit trees
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