28 February 2010

Sketchbook, page 6

(Previous pages)

The process of filling a 120 page sketchbook by year's end continues:

"p.20 of How to Draw Animals by Jack Hamm"

Two years ago on TTaT: Loyal to a Fault


  1. I like this series. I've been wanting to brush up on my drawing skills for years now and have never really found the time or motivation to sit down and do so. Perhaps getting in the habit of drawing almost every day with the goal of filling up one of my empty sketchbooks by the end of the year is the way to do it.

  2. First comment on the series, woo! I'm glad to hear it; I wasn't sure anyone was enjoying it besides me.

    Wanting to draw but not getting around to it is exactly how I felt. I have some half filled sketchbooks of old, but this 120 page 5"x7" for $1.99 was both cheap and small enough to keep me from overthinking it. So if I fill it with nothing but practice sketches from books, that's cool.

    I actually do have a few sketches of my own coming up, but the real point it to draw.

    In 9th grade, my great cantankerous old art teacher wanted us to draw 5 sketches a day from life. Each week we were supposed to show him our best 5. I usually scrounged up 5 total (maybe a few extra) per week. I'd have been so much better if I'd done them all.

    I edited this great artist interview years back that made the same point. I'll link it if I can find it.
