02 November 2020

We Have to do Better for America: It's Up to Us

We have to do better for America.

It's up to us.

Show up and vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

It's not enough to just win back the presidency. Trump has not done all these things alone. Mitch McConnell has been obstructing legislation and judicial appointments whenever it doesn't suit his extreme right agenda (when it does suit him, he rushes it through). The rest of the GOP routinely follows the bullies' leads. We have to win control of the Senate and keep control of the House.

Republicans have shown themselves to be enablers of cruel, racist, misogynist policies that only benefit the super rich and themselves. They do not denounce Trump's praise and encouragement of racist violence. They also have to go.

Vote for Democrats all the way down your ballot.

It's up to us.

Your vote matters. 

 If it didn't, Republicans would not spend so much time making it harder for you to vote.

Voter suppression, by the way, is cheating. Cheating the system to rig it in their favor is something Republicans excel at. Enough. Vote them out.

This is our country. I do not want my country's reputation to be family separations of immigrants seeking asylum, kids in cages, police attacks on peaceful protesters, police brutality against Black and Brown people, hundreds of thousands dead from Covid-19 because the President thought increasing testing would increase positive cases which would make him look bad, where Trump plays down how serious the virus is, making fun of people wearing masks for months, continuing to hold rallies without social distancing, where Trump abuses his office to coerce a foreign country to investigate his opponent, where the President always lays the blame on someone else for his actions or inactions.

Tomorrow Tuesday, November 3, 2020 is Election Day. If you didn't vote early, this is your last chance to vote!

Always remember polls do not decide elections, VOTERS do. 

So, use your power to create the change we need: show up, wear a mask, and vote in person on Election Day.

Vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris 

Vote Blue all the way down your ballot!

And by "Vote Blue" I mean vote for Democrats.

If you voted by mail, make sure to track your ballot if you can to make sure it arrived and was accepted. In some states (I'm not sure if all), if your ballot hasn't arrived, you may vote in person on Election Day. (Your mail-in ballot will be set aside and not counted if you vote in person.)

If you haven't returned your mail-in ballot yet, drop it off yourself ASAP! Chances are it won't arrive in time if you mail it. Or vote in person on Election Day instead.

Need to find out where to vote or where to return your ballot? This site is easy to navigate: https://iwillvote.com/

Voting in person? Know your voting rights (e.g. your right to stay in line if polls close, what to do if machines are down, your right to a provisional ballot, etc.).

Vote like your rights depend on it because they do.


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