Every week, I work towards creating a life of art for myself. This is the zigzag filled journey.
Play along in the comments with your own pursuits if you'd like. (That's where I'll cheer you on.) *******
This week, I
Post-processed Snow-covered Oak Tree photograph, wrote its production description, and created a new product line for it:

Check out the complete collection of Snow-covered Oak Tree products.
Tweeted and FB'd some sales.
$5 OFF T-shirts
$3 OFF Mugs
60% OFF Wrapped Canvas
50% OFF Posters and Framed Prints
50% OFF Cards
40% OFF Calendars
30% OFF Ornaments
20% OFF Case-Mate BlackBerry/Android/iPhone/iPod Touch cases and Speck Case iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch cases
FREE SHIPPING (on orders of $50 or more)
FREE 2-DAY SHIPPING $19.95 (instead of $39.95) for a year of Zazzle Black 2-Day free shipping!
Use promo code: ZBLACKFRIDAY
Offer is valid through November 25, 2011 at 11:59 PM PT.
FB'd, tweeted, blogged, zblogged Snow-covered Oak Tree and 4 New Gingham Patterns.
Changed both zazzle stores so they display prices and link to all of the styles an item is available on. The styles thing is cool! Also rearranged store a bit.
Worked on Storm Clouds photograph again from scratch. Scratches being the main issue with the scan, sigh. Think I'm in range of having it sorted though.
Posted 51 products to blogs.
Submitted links to 11 lenses/blogs.
Organized and narrowed down my folders of photograph contenders.
Downloaded a category tree for zazzle. Wish I'd noticed this in the forums sooner.
How are your pursuits going? Hope you all had a groovy Thanksgiving!
A year ago on TTaT: Thanksgiving haiku: Back to the Past
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