27 September 2009

Context is everything.

Version A:
"Dick. Dick. Dick! DICK! DICK, BARBARA!"

Version B:
Two sisters speaking by phone try to recall the children of one of their cousins. They agree on two out of three names when the younger sister interjects, "Dick."

The older sister talks over it, not listening.

The younger sister repeats, "Dick."

The older sister continues mulling over other names.






A year ago on TTaT: McCain's treatment of POW/MIA issues


  1. The "children" must be in their fifties, right? Because any eight-year-old named Dick is going to have a rough time of it.

  2. Ah, yes lol, that didn't even cross my mind. But children can be any age... it's not like you call a person's children something else once they're adults.

    You are correct, though the children could be anywhere from 30s to 50s, I think.

    Might've been more clear if I'd also mentioned that the older sister is hard of hearing, but I didn't want to get bogged down in details.
