21 January 2018


Atmos2. Atmos by Naoya Hatakeyama

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I give this a 5 in part because the physical book is so beautiful. The cloth bound hardcover folds out from the center and then the cover folds out again to the left and right revealing two bound sets of pages.

I preferred the photographs on the left over the right. Initially, I looked through the left side of photos and then did the right, but after reading about them at the back of the left set, realized I should've been looking at them together.

So I read it again, and I'd recommend this: the pages flip outwards on each side so you can look at the photographs in pairs and then I appreciated the ones on the right more.

It really is a beautiful portfolio in any case.

12 years ago on TTaT: Note to self (the comment left made me laugh in delight! :)

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