How was your week?
26 February 2021
Life of Art #575 [New Gradient Designs]
19 February 2021
Life of Art #574 [New Gradients and Checkered Designs]
Created three new gradient designs: yellow to light blue, light blue to orange, and a yellow to light blue with white checkered pattern.
Also created several new iPhone cases. Click this link and sort by Newest to see all the latest.
Also created some Gradient party supplies including hand sanitizer packets, napkins, and wrapping paper.
Visit the Products tab at my store, scroll down, and sort by Newest to see all the latest.
Pinned to boards at Rocklawn Arts on Pinterest.
16 February 2021
Ice Slabs
Today it was above freezing for the first time in a couple of weeks, up to 41ºF. While it felt nice it also means all the snow on the roof has compressed into thick sheets of ice which are falling off with loud crashes.
I missed getting clobbered by a 4' wide, ~9" deep slab of ice by about a foot when I was out shoveling slush and ice. I was working on the thickly coated bricks in front of the front stoop when I heard a thunk, snow and ice falling from the roof. I didn't see it but it must've landed on the ground since it wasn't that loud.
I looked up to check on the snow hanging out past the roof's edge. This is not uncommon and it's been like this for weeks. However, I could see that a slab right over where I was working had slid further out from the roof and shifted to an angle which suggested it could fall at any time.
I had sent my Dad off to get the spade to try to break up the ice on the stoop, but I knew it was now a no-go.
He was coming up the stairs towards me and I took one step down away from that main zone to tell him he couldn't work on the front stoop when CRASH!
The ice slab fell behind me and broke into large pieces and small particles. The finer debris spread out on impact hitting the gators I was wearing over my calves. Like I said, I missed getting clobbered by about a foot.
I'm grateful I'd sent my Dad to get the spade so he was out of harm's way and that I stepped away just in time.
Huge chunks have been crashing onto the deck since we came in. I told Dad right off he wasn't allowed to shovel it off. It often doesn't fall straight down so it's not like you can safely reach over with a shovel.
He wasn't happy about it but the persistent loud crashes and many large, thick ice chunks littering the deck convinced him it's wiser to stay in.
Unfortunately it will all freeze to the deck as temperture's drop tonight and remain below freezing for the foreseeable future but, ya know, life.
10 years ago on TTaT: 57 Degrees
13 February 2021
365 Days of Art in Nature: Find Inspiration Every Day in the Natural World
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Better suited for someone with time they are looking to fill. Also who lives in a warm climate since many of the prompts suggest going outside with art supplies while clearly not anticipating everything being covered in snow and temperatures below freezing for weeks.
What turned me off was that right at the beginning she suggests treating the pages with clear gesso before painting or using ink/markers on them because the paper isn't thick enough to prevent bleed through. Who has time for that?
The prompts themselves are fine for getting into a sketch/quick painting habit and developing some basic skills.
10 years ago on TTaT: Snowfall
12 February 2021
Life of Art #573 [New Pink to Purple Gradient and Checkered Designs]
Created two new designs, one a minimal raspberrry pink to purple gradient and the other featuring the gradient in a checkered pattern with white. Felt good to make something new!
Added each design to a variety of leggings, iPhone cases, and home decor. Also added the gradient to face masks.
Leggings are available with and without monogram or name:
The iPhone 12 cases are available for several models and devices. Just click a case to see all the options on its product page:
Home decor includes pillows, blankets, duvet covers, and table lamps at present:
And here are the new face masks in 3 different mask styles:
Pinned to boards at Rocklawn Arts on Pinterest.
Shot 84 photographs, culled 14. Need to do another pass.
How was your week?