05 November 2010

Life of Art SitRep #39 the calm, post-mojo

Every week, I work towards creating a life of art for myself. This is the journey, full of zigs and zags that are collectively, thankfully, progress.

Play along in the comments with your own pursuits if you'd like. (That's where I cheer you on.)
This week, I
•Shot 70 photographs.
•Shot 9 videos of my kinetic sculpture. (Coming soon to the blog!)
•Wrote product descriptions for Flowering Rhubarb Stalks and Snow-covered Branches and created product lines of various customizable gift items:

•Made Ski Lift and Sky holiday card with customizable greeting template. It reads, "Have a marvelous holiday!" but you can easily change it to anything.
•Created long format Elements of Nature Calendar:

•Revised tags and adjusted product descriptions for 12 product lines. Halfway done, I think.
•Tweeted, FB'd, Rocklawn Arts blogged links for Field of Basalt, Flowering Rhubarb Stalks, Snow-covered Branches, and card/label/postcard sale information.
•Scanned 1 sketch.


How are your pursuits going?

Two years ago on TTaT: All but one

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  1. So proud of you, Claire. Keep going!

  2. Thanks very much, Voix. Sometimes I feel like I'm just tossing these update posts into the void, so I really do appreciate the comment and your encouragement!
