29 February 2008

On this the 29th

Happy birthday to all you leap year folk!

I've often thought that it must be a real drag not to be able to celebrate your birthday on the actual day, but also that if you did it up big every four years, it could be pretty cool. Besides, how many people actually celebrate their birthdays on the actual day instead of on the weekend once they are over 21? Calendar dates are a relatively arbitrary construct anyway. You either got gypped or were born into something special.

As for this particular February 29th, there's still over a foot of snow on the ground; it was sunny earlier, but I can see very little blue through the cloud cover now (must be the next snowstorm rolling in); and it's 23F/-5℃ outside with windchill making it feel like 17F/-8℃, warmer than it's been most of this week.

Here's to leap years: an extra day (of winter apparently), the summer Olympics, and another chance to overthrow the government.


  1. Governmental or meteorological?

    Actually, snow doesn't bother me that much. If it's going to be cold, I prefer snow to bleak, muddy, dead grass.
